January 06, 2013

the human element l drawing f'12

There is the usual dread that accompanies a lesson on portraiture. No surprise, given that the first endeavor broadcasts the predicted flaws - bulging eyes, a long nose, a missing brain, among other deformities - and heartily confirms the pubescent sentiment: "I can't draw". 

Well, I am happy to say, accuracy is not the only objective. Though it is key when shaping the head, illuminating the surface, and measuring distance; It also adds legitimacy when replicating a work by a master draftsman, such as Rembrandt or Ingres. But being correct does not make for a great drawing - one that grabs you.

As Leonardo da Vinci said, "where the spirit does not work with the hand there is no art".  Unbridled passion, a soft caress, or even an uncertain mark shows a sincerity that we can relate to. The human element is revealed - not through an accurate rendering - but by way of the artist's own temperament





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